While living in Africa, Dr. Jeff Amstutz and his wife, Carrie, had the vision to educate dental residents around the globe to serve and live among marginalized populations while being discipled and living in community. In 2014, the first CMDA Dental Residency [+] Program began in Memphis, TN at Christ Community Health Services. Co-founder, Lance Luttrell, and the first two [+] residents, Jennifer and Elise, joined the vision that God gave Dr. Jeff, years prior. Now a decade later, The [+] Program is expanding and replicating across the globe, branching off the amazing work God has done in Memphis through this [+] Program!


Jeff Amstutz, DDS, MBA

Founder of CMDA Dental Residency [+]
Elise and Jennifer

Elise Shockley, DDS; Jennifer Wade, DDS

1st [+] Residents, 2014
Lance Lutrell

Lance Luttrell, BA, MS



From the fall of 2014 to the summer of 2025, Christ Community Health Services in Memphis, TN hosted the CMDA Dental Residency [+] Program. Equipping and commissioning numerous dentists to serve Christ through their ministry of dentistry to underserved and under resourced populations. In 2024, the [+] Program expanded to the city of Detroit through God’s guidance among a team of Memphis [+] graduates.

As the [+] Program transitions to the city of Detroit, we are sincerely grateful for the Memphis [+] leadership team that has forever imprinted and impacted the mission and vision of the CMDA Dental Residency [+] Program. (Dr. Jeff Amstutz, Lance Luttrell, Dr. Elise Shockley, Dr. Jennifer Wade, Dr. Katie Musser, Dr. Travis King, Dr. Yousef Jefferson, Dr. Lauren Vieira and many more!)

We continue to anticipate God’s movement around the world through this program as Gospel-centered dentists are being equipped to serve and follow Christ through their vocation of dentistry.

Lance Lutrell

Lance Luttrell, BA, MS

Elise S

Elsie S.

Travis K

Travis K.

Yousef J

Yousef J.

Lauren V

Lauren V.

Katie M

Katie M.

Who We Are


The Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA) is partnering with dental health centers who have a heart for dental education and service among the least reached populations of the world.

CMDA motivates, educates and equips Christian healthcare professionals to glorify God by:

  • Serving with professional excellence as witnesses of Christ's love and compassion to all peoples, and
  • Advancing biblical principles of healthcare within the Church and to our culture

CMDA's Dental Residency [+] Program Director, Dr Katie Musser, is a graduate of the Dental Residency [+] Program and working as a support and developer in the advancement of these missional dental residency programs.

Meet the [+] Family

[+] Timeline (1)


We believe that these values should guide our decisions in our practice both in the clinic and in our homes. These values resonate through the ages and provide a guidepost for us in all areas of our life. It is these values that give us purpose in our work. We use our work to be faithful in the use of the skills, opportunities, and talents we've been given. We use our work of dentistry to provide a just and unified dental care system. We seek to serve those whom no one else will serve. And lastly, we desire to do so in a way that would fit the King of kings.

Christ-Centered | 1 Peter 4:11

In all things we make Jesus Christ the center and focus of what we do. It is through him alone that we give our glory to God.


Faithfulness | Matthew 24:36-51

Being faithful in carrying out our responsibilities. We want to be faithful with the blessings we have been given by blessing others around us.


Unity | 1 Corinthians 1:10

Working together to effectively advance the mission of Christ Community. We have all been given unique talents and gifts that can be used to meet and minister to the needs of our patients.


Service | Mark 10:45

Committing to serve the needs of our patients, their families, our co-workers, and all people we encounter. We are here to minister to them and show them the same compassion, grace, and kindness God has shown us.


Excellence | Colossians 3:23

Striving for excellence in the care and services we provide. We desire to provide quality health care services to the underserved in the context of distinctively Christian service.

Courage | 2 Timothy 1:7

Training to provide care to the underserved domestically and internationally requires a courageous heart. We desire to equip individuals with the courage to face injustice in health care and our communities.


Joy | Philippians 4:4

In all things we desire to be a glad and joyful people who believe that the promises of God are true and trustworthy. We enjoy what we do and are glad to provide our service to others for the King.


Mentoring | 2 Timothy 2:2

Everything we have been given is a gift and should be transferred to those around us. We are committed to transferring our knowledge, skills, and good news to those we train to follow after us.

We believe that these values should guide our decisions in our practice both in the clinic and in our homes. These values resonate through the ages and provide a guide post for us in all areas of our life. It is these values that gives us purpose in our work. We use our work to be faithful in the use of the skills, opportunities, and talents we've been give. We use our work of dentistry to provide a just and unified dental care system. We seek to serve those whom no one else will serve. And lastly, we desire to do so in a way that would fit the King of kings.